Thursday, April 26, 2007

Security in Baghdad

Hometown Baghdad keeps rockin' n' Rollin. I really like the latest entry because it gives a citizens view on a couple of the most discussed issues when it commes to Iraq - security and how to (re)create it for the people of Iraq.

I like the entry because it made me put myself in Ausamas position... imagine having your house invaded by American Soldiers and then... a while later an American soldier walks up to you in your street asking: Is this a safe neighborhood? What would I say? And how would I feel about the security forces? I want to point out that these are not rethorical questions.

Obviously there are worse threats to Ausamas security and feeling of safety. He does say "They should be protecting us!" ...being who he is he sees them as people who should be protecting him. But he doubts it from experience.

I my mind there are very few clear answers on what is a good solution to the problems in Iraq. When Swedish peace-activists say they want the US forces to leave Iraq I get the feeling we have just inherited the American agenda... which primarily is concerned about protecting American soldiers. I would like to save lives too but if we want to do something good for the people of Iraq I am not sure that is the thing... at least not now. But these are just thoughts. As I said, I have no answers.

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