So Frank and Nicolai decided to go to africa with only 50 Euros. They made a film of it. Saw some clips of it months (if not even a year) ago and I'm really stoked to see it next week. The idea, as I understood it, was not to make a budget travel, road-trip guide but a study of hospitality and a search for an answer to the question "Do we live in a good world?".
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Maskinen has done it again...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
MUTO by BluBlu (Buenos Aries)
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
For you dads
For Pär, K-A, Zoran, Johan G, Hansa, Johan L, Kristofer O, Arvid, Jonas A, Tommy all you dads out there.
You rock.
You rock.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Slussen - Måns Stylee
Friday, November 21, 2008
New Tralier from Fanzingo
- A film trailer?
- Nope, theatre...
- Nope, theatre...
Jackie Chan... wtf!
Ok,I've seen like one or two Jackie Chan flicks but some how I didn't realize... This man is absoluteley crazy. I'm so proud to know Martin Zetterlund who actually have been working on his team. In total Martin has made eight(8!)films in Hong-Kong in addition to all the Swedish stuff. Next year he will join the Gatekeeper project - a fan-based Sci-Fi flick that Thomas Dahl is producing.
ok, enough about Martin and Subtopia and just check out the guru...
ok, enough about Martin and Subtopia and just check out the guru...
New videos from Studio Barbarella
For a number of years now Adde, Tobbe and Ella have been the dynamic trio behind Studio Barbarella. The studio was founded by a group of "elders" from the Botkyrka hip-hop community. The idea was to create a space for young people and free zone through music... Well, that used to be all, but a couple of days ago I got to see the first two videos to come out of the Studio. Adde Hagos is the man behind it and this time it doesn't only sound dope, it looks hot too. See for your selves...
Dan Jah - Kool Me Fiyah
...and here a true "Bootywood" production.
Da Griot - Cyclone
Video från Barbarella?
Bara ringa å beställa.
Dan Jah - Kool Me Fiyah
...and here a true "Bootywood" production.
Da Griot - Cyclone
Video från Barbarella?
Bara ringa å beställa.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I just got home and it was really dark and cold. Then it struck me... it is really time to start working on christmas decorations both at home and at work. This is what I am aiming for.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Division of Laura Lee (part II)
Friday night Abbas showed me the documentary he made for the centralpark video. Division of Laura Lee are cool so don't miss out on the videos being published one by one on their site leading up to the release of their new album.
Division Of Laura Lee - "Time Before Violence" from I Made This on Vimeo.
Division Of Laura Lee - "Time Before Violence" from I Made This on Vimeo.
Friday, October 3, 2008
A swarm of angels
Started reading Charlie Leadbeaters "We-think" where the network-based, opensource, pro-am filmmaking team "A Swarm of angels" is mentioned. They are currently working on two films "Glitch" and "The Unfold". The unfold is a contemporary sci-fi thriller:
The first film trailer called "World’s Will Shatter" sets the scene...
Worlds Will Shatter - The Unfold trailer from Nine Orders on Vimeo.
A swarm of angels are also working on the film "Glitch":
The Unfold
A disaffected Musician receives a phone call from his Mother, who everyone believed died a decade ago, triggering a search to rescue her inside ‘The Fold’. He sets off on a journey where he must confront family secrets, a shadowy organisation, Cell Division, and a strange dimensional force that threatens to destroy the world.
The first film trailer called "World’s Will Shatter" sets the scene...
Worlds Will Shatter - The Unfold trailer from Nine Orders on Vimeo.
A swarm of angels are also working on the film "Glitch":
A videogame artist recreates his childhood love as an idoru. A voyeuristic cable installer meddles in his customers lives. A neglected housewife finds evidence of an affair on a lost phone. In a world of the wireless, the powerless, and the loveless, it is time they all made a connection.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Polish low-tech reactable
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Crowd sourcing... and more
Just read an article by Lance Weiler in Filmmaker magazine. The article is about crowd sourcing in the filmindustry and is called "WHEN THE AUDIENCE TAKES CONTROL" The article focuses on building an audience and lists 6 good tools for doing just that.
Interesting, yes but I believe there is something much bigger than free web-based communication tools to think about here. productions in the sci-fi genre is generally frowned upon and the people involved are treated badly...
- by the filmindustry (Lucasfilm seem more worried about the copyright infringement than about supporting their fans.)
- by the filmfestivals (as they can't charge an entry fee they won't show fan-productions)
- by the filmschools (who don't even mention them)
- by the critics and media (who rarely mention them)
...well, some of the fan-productions are really crap but, proffessional soccerplayers don't treat amateurs like crap and neither should the pro's in film. Based on the same idea I think the government should start investigating how to support amateur filmmakers. What I am talking about here is of course pro-ams.
Download and read the full report on Pro-ams from Demos: The pro-am revolution - How enthusiasts are changing our economy and society by Charles Leadbeater and Paul Miller.
Interesting, yes but I believe there is something much bigger than free web-based communication tools to think about here. productions in the sci-fi genre is generally frowned upon and the people involved are treated badly...
- by the filmindustry (Lucasfilm seem more worried about the copyright infringement than about supporting their fans.)
- by the filmfestivals (as they can't charge an entry fee they won't show fan-productions)
- by the filmschools (who don't even mention them)
- by the critics and media (who rarely mention them)
...well, some of the fan-productions are really crap but, proffessional soccerplayers don't treat amateurs like crap and neither should the pro's in film. Based on the same idea I think the government should start investigating how to support amateur filmmakers. What I am talking about here is of course pro-ams.
Download and read the full report on Pro-ams from Demos: The pro-am revolution - How enthusiasts are changing our economy and society by Charles Leadbeater and Paul Miller.
Monday, September 8, 2008
The-eXperience: Stockholm (Round2)
For a while I've been talking to Jens at Roskilde eSport to bring The eXperience to Stockholm. I had seen pictures from last years' event, this year they had an awesome trailer and the event was a success. Would be soo cool to bring them to Botkyrka.
The question is: Can Scandinavian esport get to where it is in South Korea?
The question is: Can Scandinavian esport get to where it is in South Korea?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Just found this futuristic appocalyptic marketing campaign for... eh?
Someone, please tell me what this is.
Someone, please tell me what this is.
Ok, I admit. I am totally hooked on these films and filmmakers that keep finding alternative ways to finance, produce and distribute their work. Here is the teaser for the swedish film "Vampyrer" by Peter Pontikis that was made without support from the Swedish Film Institute.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Intelligent job advertisment (swedish only... sorry)
Today I went out to buy myself a pair of shoes and met Johanna in the shoe store. She had her office in the back room and I got some good perk while she checked her e-mails. In her inbox she had one of the better Wanted/Job Ads I've read in a long time. The booking agency (and label?) Monstera managed to skip all the standard clichés and instead gave the add a tone that people-like-us can relate too...
Not only did I manage to find this great ad to pass onto my friends but I also found a good pair of shoes.
...and the job?
- Well sure, I like music but... It ain't me babe.
Monstera ska tillsätta ytterligare en bokare/agent-tjänst. Tjänsten är under provanställning/inskolning(om det behövs) 60-80% med fast ingångslön och efter förlängning tänkt som en 100%are.
Vi söker dig som: framför allt har några av nedan nämnda egenskaper, eller känner igen någon av situationerna
kör en framgångsrik pop/dans-klubb och sett hur man arrangerar fester och hur turnélivet kan te sig för ett band/djs och vill kunna sluta på ditt extrakneg
skriver spaltmeter om innovativa remixar av artister från Lautzenhausen för någon nördig webbsida och surar över journlisttjänsten du blivit utlasad från
sitter på något bokningsbolag/produktionsbolag men ledsnat på att jobba med ointressanta gamla rockband, kanske är trött på dina arbetskamrater eller helt enkelt inte tjänar tillräckligt med pengar motsvarande din fantastiska kreativitet
jobbat på något skivbolag och känner till alla intressanta internationella och svenska artister inom dans & elektropop-scenen. Men blivit nedskuren och fått kicken eftersom du inte är över 40 och blev anställd innan mp3-filen dök upp
drivit ditt eget lilla bokningsbolag som vi inte känner till för att vi blivit insnöade och arroganta, men du vill komma vidare och kunna tjäna riktiga pengar
Sedan måste du vara avslappnad, lite av en arbetsnarkoman, inte vara rädd för att ringa främmande folk hela dagarna och vara skön att hänga med. Gilla att gå ut på klubb och kika på dina artister och gilla att resa runt i världen på möten, töntiga branschmässor och softa festivaler med jämna mellanrum. Vi sitter i Stockholm, och det gör du med om du jobbar här.
Hör av dig till:
Vi ses!
Not only did I manage to find this great ad to pass onto my friends but I also found a good pair of shoes.
...and the job?
- Well sure, I like music but... It ain't me babe.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Pro-ams & Gatekeeper development
The coverage of Star Wars Revelations on MSNBC Live gives a good idea of what a fan-based project can be today and how it works.
There are many terms used for the growing group of people that in an economic sense are amateurs but pursue something to a professional standard, be it programming, filmmaking or city planing. In the book "The pro-am revolution" published by DEMOS, Charles Leadbeater and Paul Miller describes the term "pro-am":
The latest partner joining forces in the Scandinavian Sci-Fi mega-project "Gatekeeper" is the crew behind the pro-am production "Star Wars: Threads of Destiny". Thomas Dahl from the 4Fathers has made their new poster.

In "The Making of Star wars: Threads of Destiny" you get a feeling of how the global collaboration works. The clip features many of the 3D-artists who have now agreed to join the Scandinavian Sci-Fi mega-project Gatekeeper - The Nexus.
Star Trek: Phase II (aka "New Voyages"), the biggest Fanbased Star Trek production with a large number of professional actors in supporting roles has agreed to supply the gatekeeperproject with actors.
There are many terms used for the growing group of people that in an economic sense are amateurs but pursue something to a professional standard, be it programming, filmmaking or city planing. In the book "The pro-am revolution" published by DEMOS, Charles Leadbeater and Paul Miller describes the term "pro-am":
Pro-Ams - people pursuing amateur activities to professional standards - are an increasingly important part of our society and economy. For Pro-Ams, leisure is not passive consumerism but active and participatory, it involves the deployment of publicly accredited knowledge and skills, often built up over a long career, which has involved sacrifices and frustrations. The 20th century witnessed the rise of professionals in medicine, science, education, and politics. In one field after another, amateurs and their ramshackle organizations were driven out by people who knew what they were doing and had certificates to prove it. The Pro-Am Revolution argues this historic shift is reversing. We're witnessing the flowering of Pro-Am, bottom-up self-organisation and the crude, all or nothing, categories of professional or amateur will need to be rethought. Based on in-depth interviews with a diverse range of Pro-Ams and containing new data about the extent of Pro-Am activity in the UK, this report proposes new policies to support and encourage valuable Pro-Am activity.
The latest partner joining forces in the Scandinavian Sci-Fi mega-project "Gatekeeper" is the crew behind the pro-am production "Star Wars: Threads of Destiny". Thomas Dahl from the 4Fathers has made their new poster.

In "The Making of Star wars: Threads of Destiny" you get a feeling of how the global collaboration works. The clip features many of the 3D-artists who have now agreed to join the Scandinavian Sci-Fi mega-project Gatekeeper - The Nexus.
Star Trek: Phase II (aka "New Voyages"), the biggest Fanbased Star Trek production with a large number of professional actors in supporting roles has agreed to supply the gatekeeperproject with actors.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Iron Sky: Latest News from the production...
The team working with the film Iron Sky has a great way to involve their fans. Every now and then they release a video where they inform the world about the project.
In the second issue of Iron Sky news Mariel, Timo and Samuli gives the latest news:
- Wanted: a production designer
- Casting has started
- Remixpack of the teaser is released (can be downloaded from
- A challenge for fans
...and the field report.
It is absoluteley brilliant how they go to all the events where their fans are - gaming and computer festivals, film festivals and roleplaying events. I am sure it will pay off. They are really connecting with their subculture to create and distribute, this is exactly what books like "The long tail" and "The pro-am revolution" is about.
I really believe in their way of making films and will definently invite them to lecture on alternative production, alternative financing and eventually alternative distribution.
In the second issue of Iron Sky news Mariel, Timo and Samuli gives the latest news:
- Wanted: a production designer
- Casting has started
- Remixpack of the teaser is released (can be downloaded from
- A challenge for fans
...and the field report.
It is absoluteley brilliant how they go to all the events where their fans are - gaming and computer festivals, film festivals and roleplaying events. I am sure it will pay off. They are really connecting with their subculture to create and distribute, this is exactly what books like "The long tail" and "The pro-am revolution" is about.
I really believe in their way of making films and will definently invite them to lecture on alternative production, alternative financing and eventually alternative distribution.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Life, self organization and feedback
I am currently exploring the field of feedback. What it is and how it is done in a good way. Along the way I have met with a large number of definitions and method discussions.
First I was a bit bored with all the technical descriptions of feedback such as this one:

In writing it would be expressed like this:
A really interesting discovery is that feedback in engineering (such as a video feedback loop)renders fractal patterns very similar to fractal patterns in biology.
Feedback is at the core of all dynamic systems, that is systems that can deal with both change and growth. I have been very inspired by the work of Margaret Wheatley and her study of life and living systems as an ideal for how people can organize.
I have not been able to express the link between life and feedback but when I saw the fractal patterns on the videos that were generated through feedback loops, and recognized them from the fractals in nature (and Meg Wheatleys books)I felt I was on to something. Eventually, after reading a bunch of wikipedia entries I found a cybernetic definition of life focusing on feedback.
and eventually I was spot on...
This link between Life, living systems, self organization and feedback is a great discovery for me which I intend to explore further.
First I was a bit bored with all the technical descriptions of feedback such as this one:

In writing it would be expressed like this:
Feedback is a process whereby some proportion of the output signal of a system is passed (fed back) to the input. This is often used to control the dynamic behavior of the system. Examples of feedback can be found in most complex systems, such as engineering, architecture, economics, thermodynamics, and biology.
A really interesting discovery is that feedback in engineering (such as a video feedback loop)renders fractal patterns very similar to fractal patterns in biology.
Feedback is at the core of all dynamic systems, that is systems that can deal with both change and growth. I have been very inspired by the work of Margaret Wheatley and her study of life and living systems as an ideal for how people can organize.
I have not been able to express the link between life and feedback but when I saw the fractal patterns on the videos that were generated through feedback loops, and recognized them from the fractals in nature (and Meg Wheatleys books)I felt I was on to something. Eventually, after reading a bunch of wikipedia entries I found a cybernetic definition of life focusing on feedback.
A definition of life (a living individual) in cybernetic terms is proposed. In this formulation, life (a living individual) is defined as a network of inferior negative feedbacks (regulatory mechanisms) subordinated to (being at service of) a superior positive feedback (potential of expansion).
and eventually I was spot on...
Leary argues that feedback (i.e., self-reference) in cybernetic organization leads to "fractal forms." What is a fractal form? The term "fractal" (coined by chaos mathematician Benoit Mandelbrot) is used to describe "a shape whose details resemble the whole thing.
This link between Life, living systems, self organization and feedback is a great discovery for me which I intend to explore further.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Ush Ghrab
It is a long time since I last saw George. Today I got a video where he is interviewed about Ush Ghrab - a place outside Beit Sahour which was deserted by the Israeli military.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Meez Me
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Surplus = Dem gone
I just watched Gentleman's "Dem Gone". It so reminded me of scenes from the ship recycling site in Surplus by Atmo. So here two clips for you: Gentleman & Surplus.
Gentlemen first...
If you wanna compare the actual scenes from the ship recycling site in India to se the simialrity with the music video check clip 8 from the middle forward...
Gentlemen first...
If you wanna compare the actual scenes from the ship recycling site in India to se the simialrity with the music video check clip 8 from the middle forward...
Friday, August 1, 2008
Dexter's Lab
Dexter's lab is one of my fave cartoons. Here he really reminds me of my friend Linus Larsson who right now is snoopin' around in StPetersburg.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Dr Dragan Dabic by Banksy

Dr. Dabic eats locally produced organic, unprocessed natural food. He loves brown rice, legumes, almonds, walnuts, raisins, dried figs and water. He takes brisk two-hour daily walks in the city's parks, or in nature. /
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Four fathers
The team behind the fan-based sci-fi production is soon comming to visit. They call them selves "The four fathers" but two are actualy women. Their names are Thomas Dahl, Martin Eskdale Moen, Irene Brustad and Bobbie Adams.
Adams is best known through the “Trekkies” documentaries and the Whitewater Trial associated with U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton’s administration. She is a regular encyclopedia of Star Trek knowledge, and is in charge of research and continuity. Adams is a professional printer and part of Federation Alliance in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Just to show you how serious they are about their stuff. Here is a clip from YouTube about Bobbie Adams...
Adams is best known through the “Trekkies” documentaries and the Whitewater Trial associated with U.S. Pres. Bill Clinton’s administration. She is a regular encyclopedia of Star Trek knowledge, and is in charge of research and continuity. Adams is a professional printer and part of Federation Alliance in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Just to show you how serious they are about their stuff. Here is a clip from YouTube about Bobbie Adams...
Monday, July 21, 2008
1968 Olympics
An interview with Tommie Smith and John Carlos was shown yesterday on Swedish national television.
Sports in general and the olympics has always been used as a political tool or platform. the editorial of swedish tabloid Aftonbladet asks "Who has the courage 2008?". Yes, who and how? Maybe like Mohammed Abou Trieka after he scored Egypt’s second goal against Sudan in the African Nations Cup.
Abou Trieka pulled up his jersey over his head to reveal a message written on a T-shirt that read in English and Arabic: ‘Sympathize with Gaza’. Referee Codjia Coffi showed Aboutreika a yellow card.
Sports in general and the olympics has always been used as a political tool or platform. the editorial of swedish tabloid Aftonbladet asks "Who has the courage 2008?". Yes, who and how? Maybe like Mohammed Abou Trieka after he scored Egypt’s second goal against Sudan in the African Nations Cup.
Abou Trieka pulled up his jersey over his head to reveal a message written on a T-shirt that read in English and Arabic: ‘Sympathize with Gaza’. Referee Codjia Coffi showed Aboutreika a yellow card.

Lilja 4-ever
I just found Lilja 4-ever on google video.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Snabba Cast
Har just läst klart "Snabba Cash". Sjukt bra, svår att lägga ifrån sig och ruggigt gutsy att ge sig på att göra film av den. Det är ett tungt jobb att ge rättvisa åt karraktärerna och språket, speciellt med över 300'000 sålda böcker.

Folk verkar sjukt engagerade så jag surfade runt lite och kollade vilka folk föreslår som skådisar. Listar förslagen utan att kommentera...
JW: Eric Ericsson (STORM), Jesper Sahlén (Ondskan, Kådisbellan), A/G Skarsgård, Filip Berg
Mrado:Goran Marjanovic, Dejan Cukic, Slavko Labovic
Jorge:Martin Aliaga, Francisco Sobrado, :Dogge, Jonathan Rodriguez
Jet-Set Carl: Oscar Durling, A/G Skarsgård,
Sofie: Maria Lindström
Nenad: Thorsten Flinck
...hmm ja det finns många namn.. men den största enigheten verkar ligga i att folk vill ha nya förmågor till rollerna.

Folk verkar sjukt engagerade så jag surfade runt lite och kollade vilka folk föreslår som skådisar. Listar förslagen utan att kommentera...
JW: Eric Ericsson (STORM), Jesper Sahlén (Ondskan, Kådisbellan), A/G Skarsgård, Filip Berg
Mrado:Goran Marjanovic, Dejan Cukic, Slavko Labovic
Jorge:Martin Aliaga, Francisco Sobrado, :Dogge, Jonathan Rodriguez
Jet-Set Carl: Oscar Durling, A/G Skarsgård,
Sofie: Maria Lindström
Nenad: Thorsten Flinck
...hmm ja det finns många namn.. men den största enigheten verkar ligga i att folk vill ha nya förmågor till rollerna.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Gatekeepers and Iron Skies
Some Trekkies and Star Wars fans have asked us if they can collaborate with us and shoot the studio scenes of their next 90 minute sci-fi flick at Subtopia. The working title is "Gatekeeper - The Nexus" and I must say it sounds like a great project. It is a pro-am project with amateurs working along side professionals all doing the project in their spare time - including five original cast members from Star Wars and Star Trek.
The group is collaborating and getting tech back-up from the team behind Iron Sky - another pro-am project with great artwork. ...and please note the "snakes on a plane"-style tag line at the end. Brilliant, just brilliant.

The finnish team behind Iron Sky became well known in the trekie universe when they produced Star Wreck. Since then availiable technology and their skills have taken huge steps forward but still... it's Star Trek in finnish. ;)
As they seem to create great results with very small resources... I figure we should do our best to hook them up with some big ass warehouses, volunteers and some circus people to do their stunts.
So, if you are keen to get involved, have questions or just want to say something about it... please click on the comments-link below or send me an e-mail at work... "jonas ät subtopia dot se"
The group is collaborating and getting tech back-up from the team behind Iron Sky - another pro-am project with great artwork. ...and please note the "snakes on a plane"-style tag line at the end. Brilliant, just brilliant.

The finnish team behind Iron Sky became well known in the trekie universe when they produced Star Wreck. Since then availiable technology and their skills have taken huge steps forward but still... it's Star Trek in finnish. ;)
As they seem to create great results with very small resources... I figure we should do our best to hook them up with some big ass warehouses, volunteers and some circus people to do their stunts.
So, if you are keen to get involved, have questions or just want to say something about it... please click on the comments-link below or send me an e-mail at work... "jonas ät subtopia dot se"
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Mammas-grav-jag-svär-det-är-han! (sorry swedish only)
Idag när jag gick mellan Alby station och jobbet satt det ett gäng kids och hängde på ett staket. Hade solglasögon på mig för att slippa solen och dölja min mest uppenbara sömnbrist. De satt och snackade rätt högt med varandra så när en ropade "hej!" fattade jag först inte att det var till mig. Tillslut ropade dom allihop. Jag vände mig halvt om och sa "TJA". Då utspelade sig följande dialog:
Kille1- Ey, han tror att du sjunger dendär låten. (pekade på kille2)
Jag - He, nä jag har bara coola solglasögon.
Kille1 - Jaha.
Tjej1 - Men varför har du hörlurar?
Jag - För att jag lyssnar på musik. (börjar gå)
Kille2 - Jag svär han var lik.
Asså jag vet inte men min dag sken upp, dels för att Alby-kidsen tyckte jag såg rock-star ut och dels för att jag inte kunde låta bli att tänka på...
- Ey, e re du som rappar "snubben"?
- Ja, det är jag.
- Ljug inte! Gå! Som en tönt.
- Visa vad du kan. Visa som en tönt.
... heh
Kille1- Ey, han tror att du sjunger dendär låten. (pekade på kille2)
Jag - He, nä jag har bara coola solglasögon.
Kille1 - Jaha.
Tjej1 - Men varför har du hörlurar?
Jag - För att jag lyssnar på musik. (börjar gå)
Kille2 - Jag svär han var lik.
Asså jag vet inte men min dag sken upp, dels för att Alby-kidsen tyckte jag såg rock-star ut och dels för att jag inte kunde låta bli att tänka på...
- Ey, e re du som rappar "snubben"?
- Ja, det är jag.
- Ljug inte! Gå! Som en tönt.
- Visa vad du kan. Visa som en tönt.
... heh
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Blandbandsmjukis (swedish only)
Jag lyssnar på kärlekslåtar till frukost middag och sent på natten. Dom ligger på det bästa blandband jag någonsin fått. Bandet har suttit i min bandare i månader.
Blir mjuk och funderar på när jag sist ville någon.
På riktigt. Sitter på jobbet och Ella R spelar Boyacioglu:
Blir mjuk och funderar på när jag sist ville någon.
På riktigt. Sitter på jobbet och Ella R spelar Boyacioglu:
Testa stan tjej, det funka inte.
Testa landet tjej, det funka inte.
Testa både och å, runka lite, det funka inte.
Måste ha förortstjej för att det ska dunka lite.
Monday, May 26, 2008
The origin of love
Preparing a screening of the rock-flick "Hedwing and the angry inch" in our small movie theatre at Subtopia as a warm-up to the stage-version directed by Farnaz Arbabi. More info to come...
In the meantime check out this clip from the film.
In the meantime check out this clip from the film.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Housing and Communitybuilding in Stockholm, Botkyrka and SödertälYEAH!
This post was initiated by a question from my great new friend Anaïs from Paris who is working at Artfactories. She is organising a seminar on community building in november and asked me about some housing companies that I told her about when we met in Brussels.
What I told her is that some housing companies have started working in a different way as a result of seing them selves in a new way. What they seem to have realized is that they are not merely the builders and maintainers of housing but are actually community builders. Here are a few examples in the Stockholm region...
BotkyrkaByggen has started working with community theatre.
And AP fastigheter who are creating an international centre for scandinavian design at Telefonplan
Telge Fastigheter has a youth project called Hovsjösommar have started creating projects to give summerjobs to kids in a suburb of Stockholm.
Södertälje is interesting and has received alot of attention lately.
The block quote has been copy/pasted from another blog. Here is the great blogpost on Södertälje by Anna.
And Anaïs if you want some other interesting organizations for your seminar I strongly recomend you to get in touch with MIKU (one of the top youth oriented think&do tanks in Sweden)and (a network for solving the housing problem in Sweden)
If you have more questions Anaïs, please feel free to call me.
/Obi-Wan Canole
What I told her is that some housing companies have started working in a different way as a result of seing them selves in a new way. What they seem to have realized is that they are not merely the builders and maintainers of housing but are actually community builders. Here are a few examples in the Stockholm region...
BotkyrkaByggen has started working with community theatre.
And AP fastigheter who are creating an international centre for scandinavian design at Telefonplan
Telge Fastigheter has a youth project called Hovsjösommar have started creating projects to give summerjobs to kids in a suburb of Stockholm.
Södertälje is interesting and has received alot of attention lately.
The last few months Södertälje has been invaded by international journalists because the town receives more Iraqi immigrants than the whole of North America put together. Södertälje welcomed 1,268 refugees last year of which 95% were from Iraq, a figure that is expecting to rise to 2,400 this year. Here it is appropriate to mention that Sweden took in over 9,000 Iraqi asylym-seekers, or almost 50% of all Iraqis coming to Europe. The USA in comparison took 202.
The block quote has been copy/pasted from another blog. Here is the great blogpost on Södertälje by Anna.
And Anaïs if you want some other interesting organizations for your seminar I strongly recomend you to get in touch with MIKU (one of the top youth oriented think&do tanks in Sweden)and (a network for solving the housing problem in Sweden)
If you have more questions Anaïs, please feel free to call me.
/Obi-Wan Canole
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Star Craft
This is a small documentary about Star Craft and the culture around it in Korea. I just can't believe the crowds at the final in the middle of the clip. Crazy!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
Zombienight tonight, kl 18:00-0x:00
...ok, zombies don't dance. And no FANGS! Still this is brilliant.
Thanks to Jo and Ewik. And Ewik seems to be keen to host another movie night... probably with another great theme... BOLLYWOOD! Aishwarya shows the way...
Big thanks to Ewik.
Thanks to Jo and Ewik. And Ewik seems to be keen to host another movie night... probably with another great theme... BOLLYWOOD! Aishwarya shows the way...
Big thanks to Ewik.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Tomorrow I'm having a meeting with Jens Christian and two of his colleagues from Roskilde eSports. They have made some really big gaming events. I'll be taking them out to Botkyrka to show them our facilities and to talk about collaborations. Would be awesome if we could make one at Subtopia.
Check out what their last event looked like.
Check out what their last event looked like.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Efterfest i stuga - dialog, sporadiska utdrag (swedish only, sorry)
- Ska vi
- Styra en gumma?
- Är det inte lite långt att gå?
- Vad är klockan?
- På heltid
- Det är för långt
- På bottenvåningen
- Finns det flera babakar i omlopp?
- När är ansökningen för denhär kursen?
- Det är precis försent.
- Han har skrivit hela tiden
- Han har kommit in på film.
- Jag är ganska dålig på konflikter
- Kan inte vi ha en?
- Fyffan,
- Jag är bara rädd för dig som kvinna.
- Det var kul som vi kan jobba på det.
- Man måste ju backa
- Jag ser allt utifrån ett egoistiskt perspektiv
- Alla var så jävla lika
- Du vet, till slut.
- Alla hade möjligheter.
- Sjukt mäktiga människor
- Intressant
- Styra en gumma?
- Är det inte lite långt att gå?
- Vad är klockan?
- På heltid
- Det är för långt
- På bottenvåningen
- Finns det flera babakar i omlopp?
- När är ansökningen för denhär kursen?
- Det är precis försent.
- Han har skrivit hela tiden
- Han har kommit in på film.
- Jag är ganska dålig på konflikter
- Kan inte vi ha en?
- Fyffan,
- Jag är bara rädd för dig som kvinna.
- Det var kul som vi kan jobba på det.
- Man måste ju backa
- Jag ser allt utifrån ett egoistiskt perspektiv
- Alla var så jävla lika
- Du vet, till slut.
- Alla hade möjligheter.
- Sjukt mäktiga människor
- Intressant
Monday, April 14, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Boredom & diversity
I'm bored today. Heidi called me but after just a few minutes she told me that I was too bored she would have to hang up. She was getting bored from talking to me.
Here is a film about diversity.
Here is a film about diversity.
Johnny Lee @ TED
Johnny Lee has now taken the step from being famous on YouTube to being a frontpage name at
I want to play 3D games!
I want to play 3D games!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
KaosPilot Applications 2008
The creative assignment in the application to Team 15 at the KaosPilots in Aarhus was to present a "burning question" on video along with three perspectives/solutions and post it to three communities. Found a bunch of them on Youtube.
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
The News:
Ok, I'm reading, watching and listening to the news:
The word "consent" might become the base of the Swedish rape-laws. There seems to be no clear indication that it would change the actual verdicts. Though I must say it goes better with the way I understand the world - if someone wants to have sex they say or show me so, I don't expect it to be so until s/he says NO.
Yesterday the Swedish government closed a deal worth nine billion dollars selling the company that owns Absolut Vodka to French Luxury booze company Pernod Ricard. It is funny to thing that V&S originally was founded to reduce drinking but has ended up as a major force in the oposite direction with 15 milion litres of booze produced every year.
Read an issue of Monocle that I borrowed from Daniel one headline was "No flour, no power" the article was about Pakistan but I suppose it could have been about the situation in either Gaza or Iraq. By the way, the number of dead civilians in Iraq this month was 923, thats a 31pct increase since last month and the worst situation since August last year.
The word "consent" might become the base of the Swedish rape-laws. There seems to be no clear indication that it would change the actual verdicts. Though I must say it goes better with the way I understand the world - if someone wants to have sex they say or show me so, I don't expect it to be so until s/he says NO.
Yesterday the Swedish government closed a deal worth nine billion dollars selling the company that owns Absolut Vodka to French Luxury booze company Pernod Ricard. It is funny to thing that V&S originally was founded to reduce drinking but has ended up as a major force in the oposite direction with 15 milion litres of booze produced every year.
Read an issue of Monocle that I borrowed from Daniel one headline was "No flour, no power" the article was about Pakistan but I suppose it could have been about the situation in either Gaza or Iraq. By the way, the number of dead civilians in Iraq this month was 923, thats a 31pct increase since last month and the worst situation since August last year.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Delicious in plain english
For a few years I've been totally hooked on this great social bookmarking site called Delicious. It's absolutely brilliant for a number of reasons:
1. You have your bookmarks availiable on any computer.
2. ...your friends can see them too.
3. You can choose not to share when you are a tight ass.
4. You can access and even RSS-feed everything all other users tag with a certain word so that you'll be super-updated.
5. You can bookmark-stalk a nerd (read: very knowledgable person)
...I have been ranting on about the greatness of this for ages. Today I found the greatest pressentation of it ever. Here it is, Social bookmarking in plain English.
See you on delicious.
...and if you havn't checked out the "Zombies in plain English"... well, you should, 'cos I tell you - they are comming.
1. You have your bookmarks availiable on any computer.
2. ...your friends can see them too.
3. You can choose not to share when you are a tight ass.
4. You can access and even RSS-feed everything all other users tag with a certain word so that you'll be super-updated.
5. You can bookmark-stalk a nerd (read: very knowledgable person)
...I have been ranting on about the greatness of this for ages. Today I found the greatest pressentation of it ever. Here it is, Social bookmarking in plain English.
See you on delicious.
...and if you havn't checked out the "Zombies in plain English"... well, you should, 'cos I tell you - they are comming.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Gaming trends
Businessweek predicts a continuing boom for the gaming industries and lists the biggest trends.
1. Simple games that are less time-consuming developed for less experienced gamers like EA:s Boom Blox developed in colaboration with Steven Spielberg.
2. Gradual roll-out of games such as Mass Effect on Xbox where the new episode was sold for USD5
3. Free-to-play - the games are for free but things in the game are bought. This will be the case for the new release of Battlefield.
4. Indie games released free online. (Check out "N" below.)
5. Merges among publishers.
6. User generated/developed games where the players can develop and share their designs. Example? "Little big planet" from Sony.
I don't really get what Businessweek mean when they talk about indie-games. Thought that it had always been that way. Well, this game "N" is quite amusing. Help the ninja collect all the coins and open the portal. Simple and to the point.
1. Simple games that are less time-consuming developed for less experienced gamers like EA:s Boom Blox developed in colaboration with Steven Spielberg.
2. Gradual roll-out of games such as Mass Effect on Xbox where the new episode was sold for USD5
3. Free-to-play - the games are for free but things in the game are bought. This will be the case for the new release of Battlefield.
4. Indie games released free online. (Check out "N" below.)
5. Merges among publishers.
6. User generated/developed games where the players can develop and share their designs. Example? "Little big planet" from Sony.
I don't really get what Businessweek mean when they talk about indie-games. Thought that it had always been that way. Well, this game "N" is quite amusing. Help the ninja collect all the coins and open the portal. Simple and to the point.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Zombie obsession
This morning I woke up at 6:30. My mind was speeding down zombie-lane. Seriously, it's time to get this project out of my dreams and into my... eh car.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Zombie time!
For your own safety, check out these Zombie-survival instruction videos.
The Zombie walk movement seems to be global. Warsaw had one, Ottowa had, Sydney did too. This is often used as a way to create mass-scenes for Zombie-films and/or to do political protest or fundraising.
In the second largest zombie walk to date, 894 participants gathered at the Monroeville Mall in Pittsburgh, which served as the set of the classic zombie film Dawn of the Dead, on October 29, 2006.[4] In addition to setting a Guinness World Record, the event was a benefit for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. The attendees where all were instructed to bring canned food for a local food drive. In 2007, the people of Pittsburgh broke their record with over 1100 zombies at the same mall, during their all weekend zombie festival.
This is fotage from Pittsburgh.
This is London.
This is Toronto.
The Zombie walk movement seems to be global. Warsaw had one, Ottowa had, Sydney did too. This is often used as a way to create mass-scenes for Zombie-films and/or to do political protest or fundraising.
In the second largest zombie walk to date, 894 participants gathered at the Monroeville Mall in Pittsburgh, which served as the set of the classic zombie film Dawn of the Dead, on October 29, 2006.[4] In addition to setting a Guinness World Record, the event was a benefit for the Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank. The attendees where all were instructed to bring canned food for a local food drive. In 2007, the people of Pittsburgh broke their record with over 1100 zombies at the same mall, during their all weekend zombie festival.
This is fotage from Pittsburgh.
This is London.
This is Toronto.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Hometown Baghdad - now back online.
Hometown Baghdad is back on the Internet. If you didn't notice they were pulled from youtube while Mike and the others at CTP were trying to seal a deal for tv-broadcast.
Well, now you can see all of them right here.
Well, now you can see all of them right here.
Charles Leadbeater
Sunday evening me and Karin will head off to Warzaw for a conference on "Creative Cities" hosted by British Council.
I'm so stoked to meet all the awesome people who will be attending... including Charles Leadbeater who is releasing his new book shortly.
...and for those of you who have not yet seen his presentation on TED... well, I strongly reccomend you to check it out.
I'm also really curious about Lorraine Gammon who will lecture on "The dark side of creativity"... Please drop a comment if you know who she is.
I'm so stoked to meet all the awesome people who will be attending... including Charles Leadbeater who is releasing his new book shortly.
...and for those of you who have not yet seen his presentation on TED... well, I strongly reccomend you to check it out.
I'm also really curious about Lorraine Gammon who will lecture on "The dark side of creativity"... Please drop a comment if you know who she is.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Okej det här är så jäkla cool.
Boutani on Bambuser
Jag har fått en fet jobbtelefon och kan äntligen börja använda Bambuser.
...och fan det funkar så fint.
Hatten av... Måns du rockar.
...och fan det funkar så fint.
Hatten av... Måns du rockar.
citizen journalism,
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Heidi just showed me this...
This guy must be a KaosPilot....
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Seven Fingers to Subtopia
Ok, so at the end of April a crew of urban acrobats will come to Subtopia where i work now. check 'em out!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Wiki - explained by geniuses for anybody
I really love graphical recording like the stuff by grove. Here some people have taken graphical recording to the next step with some simple animation. To explain stuff... (AND to promote
Don't miss out on the links that follow after the YouTube Video...
Don't miss out on the links that follow after the YouTube Video...
Monday, February 4, 2008
Botkyrka Stylee

Idag jobbade jag min första dag som Film/Media Coordinator på Subtopia i Botkyrka. Gick vägen över fältet mellan Fittja och Alby. Solen gick upp över skidbacken på andra sidan Albysjön. Änderna kvackade. Tjafsa aldrig med Botkyrka Stylee.
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