Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The News:

Ok, I'm reading, watching and listening to the news:

The word "consent" might become the base of the Swedish rape-laws. There seems to be no clear indication that it would change the actual verdicts. Though I must say it goes better with the way I understand the world - if someone wants to have sex they say or show me so, I don't expect it to be so until s/he says NO.

Yesterday the Swedish government closed a deal worth nine billion dollars selling the company that owns Absolut Vodka to French Luxury booze company Pernod Ricard. It is funny to thing that V&S originally was founded to reduce drinking but has ended up as a major force in the oposite direction with 15 milion litres of booze produced every year.

Read an issue of Monocle that I borrowed from Daniel one headline was "No flour, no power" the article was about Pakistan but I suppose it could have been about the situation in either Gaza or Iraq. By the way, the number of dead civilians in Iraq this month was 923, thats a 31pct increase since last month and the worst situation since August last year.

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