Thursday, September 6, 2007

The evangelium of the microprojector

There is one gadget I've been waiting for and talking about for ages. A projector small enough to fit in you cell phone. A company called microvision claims they will have it ready for christmas 2008.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Prussian Blue

Daniel just told me he had been watching a documentary about the nazi-equivalent of The Olsen twins. Just found a clip from it on You Tube. Don't miss it.


Missing school

Riding in the car with a friend we had a long chat about what it's been like since graduation. And to be honest, it's been really weird, and more so the last few weeks. It is now September and I am fuckin' restless... One day totally hyperactive, the next I can't even get my ass out of bed.

But it's not that weird. I am going through a huge change. For the last 22 years these weeks, at the end of August, have been the time to start school... SINCE PRIMARY SCHOOL, through high-shcool, Awatapu College, military, university and last but not least the KaosPilots.

So no wonder I feel like buying books and getting a new school bag. That's what I've been doing at this time of year since I was seven! Well, I won't rant about what that means to me but instead share a part of what a good friend wrote in the first e-mail she wrote me since she started Team 14 at the KaosPilots. (In swedish, sorry..)
"...tänkte avsluta med att berätta om gårdagens stora välkomstfest som anordnades av team 13. Fan det var det roligast arrangemang jag settpå länge. Dom tar in vårt team i ett rum när vi så sakteliga närmar oss skolan. Vi får en massa champange och huttar whiskey. Sedan ropar dom upp oss en och en att vi ska gå genom en dörr, helt ovetandes går jag in, blir krigsmålad med rosa kroppsfärg och pyntad med stora blommor i håret. Sedan går jag fram till ett draperi där jag får förklarat för mig att jag måste krypa i slutet av tunneln… well tänkte jag, så jag började krypa, and little did I know, jag kommer fram i ett litet hål där står två personer från team 13 i vita rockar och drar fram mig. När jag kommer ut där står alla på skolan och skriker och tjoar, det var energi till taket i rummet och jag blir presenterad. Jag går sedan bort till mitt team och upptäcker att vi blir alla framdragna i en gigantisk vagina, jepp dom förlöste oss. Jag skrattade så jag höll på att dö när jag såg allas miner. Fan vi såg så överraskade ut när vi kröp fram i tunneln. Helt oslagbart! Sedan dansade jag mig svettig och lycklig i fyra timmar…"
That's what I want this time of year!

I can't believe my friends from school actually had the new students comming out of a huge vagina. Team 13 - You guys rock!

It makes me happy, proud and absolutely convinced that I will need to return to our fantastic backyard in Aarhus soon... :)

Party in Malmö

Following our roadtrip to Malmö/Copenhagen Henrik, me and some other friends went to a backyard party. It rocked and at 7 in the morning we were still dancing. I thought I remembered most of the stuff that happened until henrik sent me this video. ...yupp its me...